I got this on Facebook and thought I would rather post on my blog ( that I am not very good at keep up with)! So anyways here goes!
1. I will be having a baby boy within the next 4 weeks
2. I hate when the shower curtain touches me... We have a curved rod so this doesn't happen but in other showers it does and I can't stand it.
3. I used to be awful at managing money but now am really good at it! :)
4. I went from being an only child to 1 of 5 when I got married, and I love it.
5. My hubby is so amazing and I really think I fall more in love with him every day.
6. Two of my closest friends where people that either I did not like or they did not like me when we first met. Funny how things work out isn't it?!
7. I wish I kept up with my blog but I always find time to read other peoples but never post on my own.
8. I love the Cowboys, both Dallas and Oklahoma State!
9. I can't wait to go back to school and finish my degree. I want to have a real job and help support my growing family so much!
10. Our baby is going to be a boy and was a TOTAL SUPRISE!
11. I have a Boxer named Shooter and had another one named Cash but he died this summer and it makes me so sad still to this day......
12. I love anything Zebra and Pink! lol
13. I miss drinking Dr. Pepper. I gave it up when I found out I was prego.
14. I can't wait to drink an ice cold beer once I am not preggers anymore!
15. My Hubby and I watch American Idol religiously!
16. I wish I had a better realationship with my side of the family but its just not in the cards, but I am so blessed to have an amazing set of in-laws and little bros and sister in laws!
17. I love going to garage sales and thrift stores!
18. I can't wait for summer to get here! The lake, the sun, the warm weather, its going to be great!
19. I wear a 9 1/2 shoe
20. I am going to see the Lion King on stage on May 24th and I am sooooooooo excited about it!
21. We are naming our son after the Hubby and the father in law! Graham Thomas
22. I am terrified, excited, nervous, anxious, happy, and totally not prepared for labor but I cannot wait to hold my son in my arms!
23. I love to cook! Anything and everything. I am not a great baker but I can make some pretty tasty dishes. Come eat with us anytime!
24. My hubby is watching Dreamgirls right now and I think it is really funny?!
25. It was harder to come up with 25 random things about my self than I thought it would be, but now its done! So have a great day!