Graham is two months old now, I cannot hardly believe it. He is getting so big and handsome. I took him to his 2 month appointment last Monday and he weighed 13 lbs and was 24 and 1/2 inches long. I've got a long baby! He is already wearing some 3-6 month clothes. GAH! They grow so stinking fast. But I am not complaining. When we went to the doctor he had to get his first set of shots and can I just say that it was awful. I had to help hold him down and when the first one went in he started crying so hard he turned purple and not to mention I was by myself because Hubby had to work so he couldn't come with me. So then I have a screaming baby and I am trying to carry the car seat, diaper bag, and Graham out into the lobby and of course everyone was looking at me like "What did she do to that poor baby?!" I swear I wanted a sign to hang around my neck that said, " He got shots, I don't beat my child" But we sat down and he got fed and calmed down enough for me to put him in the carseat and come home. He did run a little bit of a fever for two days so that wasn't good either. But he has fully recovered and I made the descion that I would never go to an appointment for shots without reinforcements!
Let's see what else is been going on, oh yes! He is sleeping through the night and not waking up until 7 or 8! It is so amazing to get a full nights sleep. He is also really close to rolling over. Every time he wakes up and I go in his room to get him he is almost got it. So it won't be to much longer.
It has been a really busy few weeks. We had Rustin's sisters high school graduation, then Memorial Day, then Hubby had a bacholeor party, and this weekend we have 2 weddings! But I like being busy and having tons to do. I will leave ya'll with a bunch of pictures from the last few weeks!

1 comment:
Yay, I'm so glad you posted. I've been wondering about your cute lil' family! Wow, he's a long little boy, but SUPER cute none the less! Oh, I know...shots suck! Next time you can give him the tylenol right after you get there, if you want. I started giving it to Miss Priss in the car on the way in, that way it would be in her system in time for the pesky needles! :)
Sleeping through the night, ahhh nice! Lucky you, that's awesome! Well, it looks like your doing great and really enjoying Mr. only gets better! Have a great week!!
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