I can proudly say that I am now a mom! It's still a bit strange saying that but I love the sound of it! So as you all know I was about to pull all my hair out being overdue with Graham. Well on April 1st at 1:30 AM I woke up with some weird pain in my stomach and I thought maybe this was it. I got up and went and layed on the couch to be more comfortable. I started timing them and after a couple of hours at anywhere from 6-8 minutes apart I woke Rustin up and said that I thought we might have an April Fools Baby, him being still asleep was like "okay" and then he asked why I thought that and I said because I had been having contractions for about 2 hours. So needless to say he wakes up and we start timing them by 5:30 they have been 4-5 mniutes apart for about an hour and half. I call the hospital and they said to come in and get checked. We load up in the car. (All the bags had been in the car for a week lol) And make the 35 minutes drive to Shawnee. We got to the hopsital and get up to L&D I get all hooked up and the nurses check me and I am at a 3, which is not active labor, but they would keep me for an hour and check then to see if anything else was happening. So during this hour I keep having contractions and then I feel like my water breaks, I wasn't sure because there was no huge gush or anything. So I tell the nurses she checks and sure enough my water has broke and we are going to have a baby today! Woo-Hoo! This happened around 7:45 AM. Fast forward to 10:30 AM I get my epidural ( those things are amazing and I thank God for it) Fast forward again to 8:30 PM, yes PM! They say I am a 10 and ready to push, alright let's get this baby out! I pushed for 3 hours and 7 minutes. It was the most tiring and intense thing I have ever done. I can't even begin to tell you how it feels its just crazy. Anyways Dr. Alsup says he is face up and thats why he isn't coming out, she offers to use forceps to turn him I agree she turns him but it didn't work he turned back. So I am nearing the end of my rope by now. I started crying and was about to lose all focus when she says she can guide him out with forceps and it will all be over. Thinking it wouldn't hurt because of the Epi I agree. Boy was I wrong. It was excuricating. By that point they said I had to push as hard as I could because his heart rate was dropping and he had to come out. So after 22 hours of labor with Rustin and my best friend Cassie by my side I gave it all I had and at 11:17 PM Graham Thomas Donaldson was born. It was the most incredible moment of my life. I think it was pretty amazing for Rustin to because we both just started crying. He was 8lbs and 12 oz and 21 inches long and had a full head of dark brown hair. It has been 8 days and I'm still trying to get everything figure out but he is doing great and we couldn't be happier.

I have been checking your blog daily to see sweet baby Graham. He is beautiful and big. :) Sorry, he gave you a rough labor, but he is here and healthy and that is all that matters. Congrats! I hope I get to see him soon.
Oh Amber, he is so stinkin' cute! I cannot wait to see you guys this weekend. Your labor sounds scary, you are going to need to give me a pep talk before we start this baby business! :)
OK, so i am now officially terrified to give birth but I guess there is no turning back for me.Congrats on your beautiful baby boy. It sounds like all the pain was totally worth it!
He is perfect...perfect! Hope you all are doing well, I know it's tuff. Just hang in there the NO sleep will soon become part of the routine :) It will get better...promise! You'll soon be a pro! :) Any question...feel free to ask!
Happy Easter!!!
He is precious!! Way to go!
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