Thursday, June 18, 2009

Checking In

Oh my goodness I have been so busy this week it hasn't even been funny! Going back to last Saturday we had a wedding to go to and it was actually very painless lol! It was fun to get out adn have a little adult time without Graham even though on our way back to Oklahoma City from Hydro, Rustin and I both made a comment about how we missed him. Rustin even said he kept looking in the back seat to check on him because he was so used to him being there. So sweet.

My friend Lyndie just bought the house across the street from me and they have been doing a bunch of work on it before they move in. So Monday I helped tear up a floor,move furniture, and paint celings. Oh my goodness I was soooooo sore and tired on Tuesday but we had more work to do then. So all week we have been working on the house and running around like crazy people. It has been fun but alot of hard work.

This weekend we are going to Norman to watch Rustin's little sister in the All State Softball game, which I am so excited to go too! It is a pretty big honor and I know she is really excited. Then it is on to Covington for Father's Day. Its always a little sad for me because my Papa (who raised me) passed away when I was a junior in high school, but I love Rustin's Dad to death so its not quite the same but he is a great subsitute. On a lighter note it will be Rustin's first Father's Day and I am really excited. I need to think of some kind of gift from Graham. Any ideas? So ya things are crazy and busy around here but I am loving every minute of it!

Check out my sweet baby boy and his Daddy!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

He Did It!

So yesterday when I posted I mentioned that I thought Graham would roll over soon, and guess what he did. Proabaly at the very moment I was writing about it! It was a very big day for my little man! When Rustin got home he didn't really believe me so at 3:35 this morning when he had rolled over and woken himself up I made sure to get Daddy and let him see for his own eyes how big his little man has gotten. Graham was all smiles like he knew what he had just done. I'm so proud of him! Now I just want to see him do it with my own eyes. And have the camera ready too!

We have a busy weekend ahead. Rustin is in a wedding in Hydro, if you don't know where that is ( I didn't) its way out by Weatherford. Not looking forward to the drive. We are not taking G with us, it would wreck the somewhat of a schedule we have so he is staying the afternoon and evening with his Dede. I am hoping that the wedding doesn't take forever, I'm horrible aren't I?! Well I have to go start supper... Back to duty! :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Catching Up

I was doing so good at keeping up with my blog then something happened! I don't have a clue what it was but I am wayyyy behind. So this is my catch up!

Graham is two months old now, I cannot hardly believe it. He is getting so big and handsome. I took him to his 2 month appointment last Monday and he weighed 13 lbs and was 24 and 1/2 inches long. I've got a long baby! He is already wearing some 3-6 month clothes. GAH! They grow so stinking fast. But I am not complaining. When we went to the doctor he had to get his first set of shots and can I just say that it was awful. I had to help hold him down and when the first one went in he started crying so hard he turned purple and not to mention I was by myself because Hubby had to work so he couldn't come with me. So then I have a screaming baby and I am trying to carry the car seat, diaper bag, and Graham out into the lobby and of course everyone was looking at me like "What did she do to that poor baby?!" I swear I wanted a sign to hang around my neck that said, " He got shots, I don't beat my child" But we sat down and he got fed and calmed down enough for me to put him in the carseat and come home. He did run a little bit of a fever for two days so that wasn't good either. But he has fully recovered and I made the descion that I would never go to an appointment for shots without reinforcements!

Let's see what else is been going on, oh yes! He is sleeping through the night and not waking up until 7 or 8! It is so amazing to get a full nights sleep. He is also really close to rolling over. Every time he wakes up and I go in his room to get him he is almost got it. So it won't be to much longer.

It has been a really busy few weeks. We had Rustin's sisters high school graduation, then Memorial Day, then Hubby had a bacholeor party, and this weekend we have 2 weddings! But I like being busy and having tons to do. I will leave ya'll with a bunch of pictures from the last few weeks!