So once again I am behind in the blogging world. Damn! I wish I could stay with this! But anyways I am back and have the pics of the 3-D U/S It was so freakin cool! He was measuring a week and 3 days further along than my dates, so I dunno! Then on the 19th I went to the doctor for my once every two week appointments and guess what.. Now I am measuring 3 weeks ahead! Are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 Weeks that would put my due date at March 9th, not the 28th. I am a bit over whelmed by this news but I am so excited I have three showers in the next month the first being this coming Saturday. I am so excited about seeing my girlies and getting some baby gear! haha But bad news Hubby is going to be in Dallas for a coaching clinic all weekend.. so Boo to that! Also ona happier note, my bestest friend Cassie is back from Conneticut! I am so happy now both of the people I want to be with me when Graham is born will be here. So I am happy and overwhelmed and excited and nervous all at the same time... Oh it's a crazy life I live.

That's my beautiful baby boy's face... Look at those lips would ya!
Oh so amazing, I love 3/4D sonos!!!!
Well, whoo-hoo for measuring 3 wks. early. Maybe he'll be here on the 9th!!! Take care Dear!!!
He looks beautiful, but I am ready to see the real thing...I am sure you are too. This last few weeks will fly by...enjoy it!
I wonder if you will go early since you are measuring ahead?
Very exciting!! Girl you better get ready!!!
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