Thursday, April 16, 2009

Making it so far

So Graham is 2 weeks and 1 day old. It seems so crazy to me that 2 weeks has already gone by since he was born, its been a very different 2 weeks than I thought it would be. I think I had this idea in my mind that it would be alot easier than it really is. Babies are a lot of work! LOL Not that I am complaining because I am so in love with him its not even funny its just that it is different than what I thought it would be. I was telling a friend of mine that its like he needs and needs and doesn't give anything back, and she said (she is the mother of a 14 month old) that when he can give me a smile and actually know he is smiling (not gas) it will all change. I think that is proabaly right. I can't hardly wait for that moment, and hopefully it won't be to long.

On a lighter note Rustin is an amazing father. He hadn't had any experience with babies but he does such a good job with Graham. When he comes home from work he usually takes over with holding him and changing him and all those fun things that I get to do all day. Its nice to have a little break but it is even nicer to watch Rustin with Graham. Its something to see!

Little G is waking up and needing some Mama time so hope you all have a great Thursday!


Matt and Ali said...

Hi friend...we were bummed we missed you guys last weekend too. I almost called you to see if we could come over, but it looked like you guys had a house full over at Tom's.

I'm glad Graham is doing so well! He sure hit the jackpot on a Mommy!Just hang in there, they tell me it gets easier all the time. :)

Lindsay said...

He is so handsome, perfect, & just simply beautiful! Oh honey, it does get easier. So glad that Hubby helps out when he's home....makes all the difference in the world:) You better be sleeping when he sleeps & not doing house work....that's an order..haha! Happy 2 weeks sweet baby!
Have a great weekend!!

Unknown said...

OMG! - He is beautiful! I can't wait to see him!!!!!