So yesterday when I posted I mentioned that I thought Graham would roll over soon, and guess what he did. Proabaly at the very moment I was writing about it! It was a very big day for my little man! When Rustin got home he didn't really believe me so at 3:35 this morning when he had rolled over and woken himself up I made sure to get Daddy and let him see for his own eyes how big his little man has gotten. Graham was all smiles like he knew what he had just done. I'm so proud of him! Now I just want to see him do it with my own eyes. And have the camera ready too!
We have a busy weekend ahead. Rustin is in a wedding in Hydro, if you don't know where that is ( I didn't) its way out by Weatherford. Not looking forward to the drive. We are not taking G with us, it would wreck the somewhat of a schedule we have so he is staying the afternoon and evening with his Dede. I am hoping that the wedding doesn't take forever, I'm horrible aren't I?! Well I have to go start supper... Back to duty! :) 

Whoo-hoo BIG boy!
Have fun at the wedding, hope it goes by super fast ;)
I just stumbled upon your blog from Meet Miss Priss... and your little man is very handsome!
Congrats on the rolling over! Having a baby is the best ever- all the little things make it so worth it!
It's nice to see you smiling again! Yeah for the big boy rollover!
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