Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just Thinking...

Last night was a bit rough for me, not much sleep and being plain uncomfortable which makes me even more ready for Graham to come on out and meet the world. But today as I am ina bit of a slump( i.e. tired- cranky- sad- happy- and just plain emotional) I got to thinking about how much my life has changed just in the last year. In little over a year I should say I got engaged, got married, bought a house, got preganant, moved to a whole new place and now am about to have a baby. What a difference a year can make?! Not all the things that have happened have been great but for the most part God has blessed me beyond belief. I pray that the blessings just keep on coming my way with a healthy son.
I was reading Miss Priss and she was talking about how her little girl is about to turn 1 and it is got her for a loop. It got me thinking about how much my life will change after Graham is here and that makes me sad and happy on another level. Don't ya just love pregnancy hormones, its great for your hair but a diaster on your mind and heart! I just keeping thinking to myself that the things that are happening in my life are all apart of a bigger plan that The Man Upstairs has layed out for me and He knows what He is doing. So the plan is to just sit back, relax and do my best to just enjoy what tomorrow brings....


Lindsay said...

Oh honey! You are soon to feel a love you never knew was possible! Don't get me wrong, the first month is tuff, you'll be tired and need some help. But you will soon get the hang of it and you won't even be able to remember life without him! It's just amazing! Cherish each moment, they only stay little for so long! Just know that it is all a learning experience for your lil family as well as Graham, too! You'll do great! Take lots of pictures and REMEMBER the house work can wait. SLEEP WHEN HE SLEEPS...I PROMISE IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD!!! Can't wait to see him!!! Hang in there Mommy!

Tara said...

I didn't know you had a blog. I'm so excited I have somebody that can give me advice from recent experience. The nursery is super cute! I look forward to seeing your next post and hopefully it involves the birth of Graham.