Yes! I am officially overdue. Not to thrilled. But have decided to stop worrying and let the Big Man Upstairs do his thing ;)
Had a pretty good weekend though. Rustin was in the wedding of one of his good friends from college. He looked so handsome! Spent some time with the family, which was nice. But no baby. I did get some really great news last night though, my dearest and best friend Cassie is pregnant and due on Rustin's birthday. I am soooo excited for her and Jake, I think it is such an amazing thing. I just can't wait to hold my baby so I know the even more amazing feeling of holding my child and seeing his gorgeous face! Other than that it was a pretty low key weekend. I did have contractions for like 2 hours last night and they where coming every 7-8 minutes but only lasted about 30 seconds then they tapered off, and nothing so far today but keep your fingers crossed that Graham will be making his arrival very soon!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
No Change..
Went to the doctor today and wouldn't know my appointment is tomorrow?! I am losing my mind. No doubt about it. I have heard of people saying that I would get pregnancy brain and be forgetful and clumsy. Well they where right! I am not the type of person who gets an appointment wrong or forgets but I guess everyone slips once in a while! But anyways..... Since I live 35 minutes away from the clinic I asked if I could go ahead and see the doctor and after some reservation from the scheduling lady they finally let me. It wasn't like I was asking to see God or anything I mean come on people. Go up to the OB/GYN floor and guess what there isn't a single person in the waiting room. You have got to be kidding me, they acted like I was really going to be imposing on the doctor's day, but that was not the case at all. Got in saw the doctor and got checked. For those of you who have had the pleasure of being "checked" you know that it is not fun at all. Then I have this uber helpful (or really annoying) nurse standing by my head telling me to just breathe and relax. NO KIDDIN! I'm trying here lady! I know I know its her job to remind me of those things but geez I was just not having it. After that Doc tells me no change. UGH! I am so bummed. I wanna have this baby and I would like to have him soon! Like Yesterday! So he tells me I have another appointment for next Wednesday and they will do a NST( Non Stress Test) to check on fluid levels, size of the baby, blah blah blah. All I heard was that I will still be pregnant and its going to not be fun. My due date it on Saturday so I will be at a total loss for words if I am still prego on Sunday! (Which I proabaly will be because thats my luck) Wish me luck that Graham decides he doesn't like it in there anymore and is ready to come on out and meet the world.......
Friday, March 20, 2009
39 Weeks and Counting......
I really like the fact that its Spring Break and I have got to spend a lot of time with my wonderful Hubby but I can't even begin to tell you how over being pregnant I am. It has gotten worse over the week ( I wanted to have Graham this week because it is Spring Break and Rustin could be home with us for a full week). No such luck though. I haven't even had Braxton Hicks contraction nothing at all to make me think this show is about to begin. I know I know I should savor these last few days of being childless but that is not helping this feeling I have at all. I know again that I shouldn't be complaining but ugh!!! I am one of the most impatient people you will ever know so this waiting with really nothing to do is about to make me pull out my hair. Even Rustin told me I was acting differently today. He said I seem kind of depressed which is not my nature by any means. I am usually up beat and happy. But I really am in a funk. Today has been the worst, I think it is because Spring Break is coming to an end, Rustin will have to go back to school and lots of baseball games this week so I am just sad knowing he won't be able to spend as much time with at home when Graham is born. I need to get out of the house, that might help. Might go meet Cass and Jake in the city tomorrow for some food and some fun ( might lift my spirits) Sorry this has been a bit of a rant and a lil on the depressing side. No worries once Graham is born I promise to have lots of happy and hopefully uplifiting posts. Have a great night and please say a little prayer that he comes soon, for my sake :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Just Thinking...
Last night was a bit rough for me, not much sleep and being plain uncomfortable which makes me even more ready for Graham to come on out and meet the world. But today as I am ina bit of a slump( i.e. tired- cranky- sad- happy- and just plain emotional) I got to thinking about how much my life has changed just in the last year. In little over a year I should say I got engaged, got married, bought a house, got preganant, moved to a whole new place and now am about to have a baby. What a difference a year can make?! Not all the things that have happened have been great but for the most part God has blessed me beyond belief. I pray that the blessings just keep on coming my way with a healthy son.
I was reading Miss Priss and she was talking about how her little girl is about to turn 1 and it is got her for a loop. It got me thinking about how much my life will change after Graham is here and that makes me sad and happy on another level. Don't ya just love pregnancy hormones, its great for your hair but a diaster on your mind and heart! I just keeping thinking to myself that the things that are happening in my life are all apart of a bigger plan that The Man Upstairs has layed out for me and He knows what He is doing. So the plan is to just sit back, relax and do my best to just enjoy what tomorrow brings....
I was reading Miss Priss and she was talking about how her little girl is about to turn 1 and it is got her for a loop. It got me thinking about how much my life will change after Graham is here and that makes me sad and happy on another level. Don't ya just love pregnancy hormones, its great for your hair but a diaster on your mind and heart! I just keeping thinking to myself that the things that are happening in my life are all apart of a bigger plan that The Man Upstairs has layed out for me and He knows what He is doing. So the plan is to just sit back, relax and do my best to just enjoy what tomorrow brings....
Thursday, March 5, 2009
36 Weeks and 5 Days
So here I am just a few days from being full term and I cannot wait! I want to see Graham so bad! But I know he could be here any time but it could be a few more weeks too! So we are just playing the waiting game! I feel like I am as big as a house but Hubby keeps reminding me that's its a good thing (HA) but he tries to make me feel better which I appreciate! I finally got his room done so here is the newest picture of my belly and a few of his room! Send some prayers that this baby will come on out!

Graham's Nursery!

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