Yesterday was Graham's 2 week appointment and guess what my boy is already 10 pounds and 12 ounces. He has gained a full 2 pounds since he was born. If he keeps this up my child will be a huge! His Daddy would be okay with that though because the first question he asked when we got home was how much he had grown ( in length) I said another 3/4 of and inch. So now he is 22 3/4, Rustin was so excited by that news. He wants Graham to be 6'5 so he can play college football. Yes- my wonderful husband already has life plans for our 3 week old baby. Oh- wow!!
Anyways!!!! I think we are going to actually get a little adult time this weekend, I have been stuck at home ( not that I mind being with Lil G at all) and we haven't got to show him off to our friends so we are thinking that we are going to the City this weekend have dinner with friends and then maybe ( if I can he he) let Lil G stay at his Dede 's house for a few hours while we go out with friends. I dunno if this will all happen or not but I am a bit excited about the idea!
Oh had Graham's newborn pictures taken this past weekend ( thanks so much to Becky) and they turned out soooo great! Here is a lil sneak peak! Have a great Hump Day!