In all my preggo books its talks about how around the beginning of the third trimester your pregnant mind will want to start getting into this mode of wanting to "nest". Which I think means get your house and surroundings ready for the baby. So with the last few days of the Hubby's break about to be over I kicked it into over drive. I took down all the Christmas stuff, even though it made me sad, I love Christmas! Then began cleaning out closets.I have realized that I HATE cleaning out closets. It's not fun and I don't want to do it but I have this over whelming since that I need to do it. You ever get that way?! It's seriously one of the weirdest things ever, but I know once I get it all done I will feel a ton better knowing that when Graham comes I will be organized and ready to take on whatever he throws at me! But anyways I am super tired now, but I only have a few more boxes to send to the attic and some things to but away and I will be about ready to finish nesting. It is very crazy though that in less that 12 weeks he will be here. AHHH! The anticipation is about to kill me. I have to go Monday for the Glucose test to make sure I don't have Gestational Dibaetes. I think I will be alright but they have to check everyone. I am off to finish up the last little bit of this insanity. Have a fabalous night!

1 comment:
Hey Pretty Lady! Whoo-hoo 12 weeks! Congrats! Movin right along, before you know it he'll be here! I love the name you have picked! Perfect!
Oh you get to drink that super sweet syrup today. Well, the night before my test...stupid me had a piece or two of Cheesecake and then guess test came back positive. Which meant I had to go in a week later and drink the sweeter (yes sweeter) one to see for sure. Which I wasn't and had to drink all that yuck anyway. It really wasn't the worst thing in the world, but my second time a random lady in the waiting room felt she needed to say, AH, that is so nasty, isn't that stuff just gross, yuck I hated it,! Thanks ma'am WHILE I'M DRINKING IT! Haha
Anyway, you look cute with your little belly, happy new year!!!
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