So last night the Hubby and I where watching TV and I got up to get some cereal, because that's my nightly ritual these days and he looks at me and says" WOW- Your belly is really getting big!" I started laughing because it was very out of nowhere and it was like it just occured to him that my widening waist was more than over eating! So here I am 18 weeks and getting bigger every day. It is so strange to me still that there is a little boy inside of me and he is going to be here in just a few months. So strange. For you lucky ones that are out there when does it sink it? Or does it seem strange until you see the little buddle of joy? Just curious I am kind of out here on my own. None of my friends have children so I am taking this little adventure all on my own, so its a little like treading in unknown water. But everything is going to be fine I have no doubt. Also I am super excited because I finally talked the Hubby into taking pics for a Christmas card. I figured when would there be a better time we are newleyweds and our first baby is on the way, so YAY! Mind you this is a big feat because he does not like taking pictures- I love it, both behind the camera and in front lol! If you ever saw my house you would understand! So I am hoping I can find something to wear that looks half way cute and let Shannon do her magic! But I suppose I should be doing something right now a little more productive then blogging ( though I love it) So off I go to do some dishes! Have a fabalous day!

Watching your belly change, literally over night, is definitely a creepy feeling. Even though you have pics and can feel movement from inside it still seems so unreal!
I'm young too and the first of all my friends so it's hard to relate with ANYONE!!!
Are you part of any message boards?
I completely understand, I was the first of all my friends to have a baby, too. Then I met a whole group with kiddos..funny! Anyway, it is so amazing to have a little baby growing inside of you. Don't get me wrong though..I was not a happy pregnant lady..I was just so uncomfortable, because she was HUGE 9.4lbs. However the experience of actually having a baby in your tummy is, like I said, AMAZING! Ok, so I really wanted to do the body paint while I was pregnant and wish now that I had. i.e. paint a pumpkin for halloween and a christmas tree. I dont know what you think about this but it's kind of a cute idea. Then I could live through your pictures..haha! Ok, I'm done writing a book! Have a good rest of the weekend! :)
Hi, I'm adding you to my blog roll! Ok, yes my site in Squishy Tushy which is the 1st button on the top right of my page! Take a look and tell your friend, too! :) Yay, I just added a few things yesterday!
How are you feeling? I bet he is moving around like crazy! That's the best part! Even if I still think it is kind of weird that a person actually grows inside of you! :)
Have a great week!
AWW...thanks so much. Everyone keeps saying I'm all belly...but it really doesn't feel like it. LOL!
You gotta post your room and belly pics. I would love to see them!
I'm due March 10. You're the 25th right?
Just checking in to see how you were doing?
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