So I had the best day on Tuesday! I found out that my Music final will be open book and I just have to turn it in by next Tuesday byt 6 P.M. Next I got my Argument Paper back in my English class where my Professor doesn't believe in anything and is super tough! And guess what I got an A! I was so excited I almost cried-Seriously! Next class is my speech class and I gave my last speech and I have gotten nothing less than full credit on all of them, including the last one! Then I go to my math class where I thought I wasn't doing all the great ( I can read for days, and write you any paper but I do not do math, adding x and y just doesn't make any sense to me) Anyways my professor tells me that all I have to do it get an 75 on my final and I will have an 88 for my final grade! Are you kidding me a B! Then she tells us that we have a choice on what we want the our final to be on, either probability or loan and mortage formulas! Hello people I have a mortage so I know all about this! So what I am saying is that Tuesday was about the best day I could have had! All I have to do is get my final essay done and study for my math test and as of next Thursday at 12 I will be done with my first semester back! It is such a good feeling knowing that I am almost done and one step closer to having a degree and being able to provide more for my family!
Now I just have to study......

Do the massive amount of laundry that has accumulated......

And Spend Time with My Amazing Boys!
The last is my most favorite!