This year will be a little different because we are going to Covington tonight to visit family and get ready for Graham's baby dedication on Sunday. It will be a very important day for myself and for our family. If ya don't know alot about dedications it is a short little ceremony where Rustin and I commit to rasing Graham with the Lord as his main focus! Then our families join us and pledge to help us with the task. Then the congragation joins in with a prayer of blessing and music. I am so happy to be doing this for Graham. It makes it even more special because Rustin's Dad who is the minster will be doing the deidcation! Then after we are having a huge lunch for all of our friends and family! I'm a little stressed about getting everything taken care of but I know I will get it all done! A little trivia for ya I found I was pregnant with Graham on the 19th of July, one year to the day that we are doing his dedication. Isn't that amazing!? Have a great weekend- mine starts right now!
My birthday last year!
Who knew we had a little bundle on the way.....We sure didn't :)